Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Equivalent Fractions on a Number Line Resource


Homework 2/28/17

Math-practice book page 179

-Field Trip Lunch/Chaperone Forms Due Thursday

Monday, February 27, 2017

Homework 2/27/17

No Spelling This Week

Math-write 3 facts 3 times each and make a word problem using one of the facts

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Fractions on a Number Line Resource

Here is a video students can watch at home to help them with plotting fractions on a number line:


Homework 2/16/17

Math: Practice book page 160
Spelling: Study Spelling words

Social Studies: Study for FDR test tomorrow

-Field Trip forms and money due TOMORROW
-Signed Progress Reports due TOMORROW
-Book Project Due TOMORROW-Students MUST bring required materials every day to school

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Book Fair

It's Book Fair Time!!!

Our class will be going 3/6 and 3/8. The Book Fair will be open 3/6-3/10. Parents are welcome to come shop as well. If you send in money with your child, they will be allowed to shop during reading rotations on other days besides our class shopping days. 

Homework 2/15/17

Math: Practice book page 159

Spelling: Study Spelling words

-FDR test Friday
-Field Trip forms and money due Friday
-Signed Progress Reports due Friday
-Book Project Due Friday-Students MUST bring required materials every day to school

Monday, February 13, 2017

Homework 2/13/17

Spelling: choose, foot, bruise, threw, thaw, false, preschool, misspell, apart, across
 (be ready to be tested on any 2 lifelong words as well)

Lifelong words:
a lot, separate, beautiful, opinion, definitely, tomorrow, necessary, receive, embarrassed, surprise, through, argument, difference, knowledge, although, because, according, author, calendar, especially

Math: Write a short paragraph on how you use fractions at home and practice multiplication facts

FDR Test Friday
Book Report Project Due Friday (see previous post)

Book Report

Mr. Popper’s Penguins Book Report Project Choices
*If a student has a different idea, it is up to the teacher to determine if it will be accepted
-This project can be worked on at home, but the majority of the work MUST be done at school. It is due Friday 2/17/17

Cereal Box Book Report:
The student will cover a cereal box with paper. The box must contain the following things on the 4 sides:
Title of Story
Author and Illustrator
Main Characters (List no more than 3 characters…write a brief description of
each character and include a picture)
Setting (Brief summary of where and when the book mainly took place)
Beginning (Write a summary of how the book began) 5 or more sentences
Middle (Write a summary of some events that happened in the book) 10 or more
Ending (Write a summary of how the book ended) 5 or more sentences
Opinion   (Summary of…Did you like the book and WHY? Please tell more than “I liked the book because it was good.”)

Students will draw a scene from the book on a poster. Students can use materials such as crayons, markers, or paint (teacher discretion).  The student also has to write a summary of the scene answering the following questions:
  1. When and where did this scene take place?
  2. What happened before this scene and after this scene?
  3. Who are the characters is this scene?
  4. What is happening in this scene?


Students will put the following things on a poster and create a Book Report Poster:
Title of Story
Author and Illustrator
Main Characters (List no more than 3 characters…write a brief description of
each character and include a picture)
Setting (Brief summary of where and when the book mainly took place)
Beginning (Write a summary of how the book began) 5 or more sentences
Middle (Write a summary of some events that happened in the book) 10 or more
Ending (Write a summary of how the book ended) 5 or more sentences
Opinion   (Summary of…Did you like the book and WHY? Please tell more than “I liked the book because it was good.”)

Students will create a scene from the book in a shoebox/ small box. Students can use materials such as clay, paper, cotton balls, string, paint (teacher discretion),  glue, etc. to create a specific scene from the book. The student also has to write a summary of the scene answering the following questions:
  1. When and where did this scene take place?
  2. What happened before this scene and after this scene?
  3. Who are the characters is this scene?
  4. What is happening in this scene?

Students can bring a scene from the book to life by acting it out. Students will need to write a script, create a background (using large paper), and create/bring  props (if needed). Students will perform the skit in front of the class. The performance must be at least 3 minutes, but less than 10 minutes.

Commercial/ Video:
Students will create a commercial to advertise the book. Students must write a script, create props, and record the commercial using technology (wevideo, teacher record,
student records on device, etc.). Commercial will be played for class.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Homework 2/10/17

~Progress Reports Due Next Friday Signed

~Field Trip Money and Form Due Next Friday

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Homework 2/8/17

Spelling: Study Spelling words

Math: Dreambox 2 lessons-Make sure that if you have several children that use Dreambox, that they sign out before the next child signs in

Heat Test Friday

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Homework 2/7/17

Spelling: Study Spelling words

Math: Dreambox 2 lessons

Science Test Friday

Monday, February 6, 2017

Homework 2/6/17

Spelling: Study Spelling Words
Math: Dreambox 30 minutes

Science Test on Friday over heat!!!
Field Trip money and permission form due 2/17/17

Keep bringing in box tops!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Homework 2/2/17

Math: Dreambox 30 minutes

Spelling: Study spelling words on note card

Wear black and red on Friday to support the Falcons!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Homework 2/1/17

Math: dreambox 30 minutes

Spelling: Study spelling words on notecard

Wear black and red on Friday to support the Falcons!